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Version: 3.2.2

Write a test

Testify provides two main entrypoints as JUnit4 TestRule subclasses.

The classic implementation of Testify uses ScreenshotTestRule. While starting in Testify 2.1.0, you have access to the newer ScreenshotScenarioRule. Both rules provide similar functionality.


As ActivityTestRule is deprecated, the Android SDK now recommends the usage of ActivityScenario as the modern alternative. Testify provides ScreenshotScenarioRule which works in conjunction with ActivityScenario to easily add screenshot tests to scenario-based UI tests.

ScreenshotScenarioRule is more flexible than the older ScreenshotTestRule as it no longer requires you to couple the rule's instantiatiation with a specific Activity subclass. This allows the flexibility of testing multiple different activities in the same test class.

Screenshot test integration with ActivityScenario is achieved via the withScenario() function. An active instance of a scenario must be provided to Testify prior to calling assertSame(). Typically, this is done by passing the scaneario instance returned by ActivityScenario.launch to the ScreenshotScenarioRule instance within a use {} block.


To enable Android Studio Plugin integration with your tests, each test method should be annotated with the @ScreenshotInstrumentation annotation.

import dev.testify.MainActivity
import dev.testify.annotation.ScreenshotInstrumentation
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test

class MainActivityScreenshotTest {

@get:Rule val rule = ScreenshotScenarioRule()

fun default() {
launchActivity<MainActivity>().use { scenario ->



ActivityTestRule is deprecated

Use instead with ScreenshotScenarioRule.

ScreenshotTestRule is a subclass of Android's ActivityTestRule. The testing framework launches the activity under test before each test method annotated with @Test and before any method annotated with @Before.

Each screenshot test method must be annotated with the @ScreenshotInstrumentation annotation.

Within your test method, you can configure the Activity as needed and call assertSame() to capture and validate your UI. The framework handles shutting down the activity after the test finishes and all methods annotated with @After are run.

class MainActivityScreenshotTest {

@get:Rule val rule = ScreenshotRule(

fun default() {

Jetpack Compose

Using Jetpack Compose in your application? Check out the Jetpack Compose Extension for Android Testify