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Version: 3.2.0

Testing with different Locales and Font Scales


It is often desirable to test your composable in multiple locales. Testify allows you to dynamically change the locale on a per-test basis.

When using ComposableScreenshotRule, you can invoke the setLocale() method to set the Locale used in your test. setLocale accepts any valid Locale instance.


// In the res/values/strings.xml file
// <string name="example">A short example</string>

// In the res/values-fr/strings.xml file
// <string name="example">Un petit exemple</string>

fun localeFrance() {
.setCompose {

Font Scale

Testify allows you to change the current scaling factor for fonts, relative to the base density scaling. This allows you to simulate the impact of a user modifying the default font size on their device, such as tiny, large or huge.

See Font size and display size

To modify the font scale in a single test, use the setFontScale() method.

fun largeFontScale() {
.setCompose {
text = "Test",
fontSize = 16.sp