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Version: 2.0.0-alpha01

Customizing the captured bitmap

Testify provides the setCaptureMethod() on ScreenshotRule which can be used to override the default mechanism for creating a bitmap from the Activity under test. You can use setCaptureMethod() to provide your own implementation of CaptureMethod. The only requirement for CaptureMethod is that you return an instance. You can use any method you want to create a bitmap. You can also use the provided ScreenshotUtility to capture a bitmap and then modify it to your liking.

fun captureMethodExample() {
.setCaptureMethod { activity, targetView ->
/* Return a Bitmap */
ScreenshotUtility().createBitmapFromView(activity, targetView).apply {
/* Wrap the Bitmap in a Canvas so we can draw on it */
Canvas(this).apply {
/* Add a wordmark to the captured image */
val textPaint = Paint().apply {
color = Color.BLACK
textSize = 50f
isAntiAlias = true
this.drawText("<<Testify ${rule.testMethodName}>>", 50f, 2000f, textPaint)